Monday, July 20, 2009

X, Y & Z

I’m finally back. Thanks to someone, I realized I had a blog and hadn’t written anything in it for some time now. Also, I forgot my login info. Oh well –that’s me for you. A lot has happened in so little time, in fact, the bulk of the happenings took place in the shortest time ever. It seems that my beauty hasn’t deteriorated much over the past few years. I’m not vain, I assure you! Just something I’ve noticed; I mean, if not that, then the world hasn’t changed.

Anyway, so I got asked out by two people on two consecutive days. I really don’t want to discuss about their private lives, because it was probably said in confidence and so I won’t disclose either’s name. The thing about these two persons is that they are friends! I mean, what kind of game are they playing out? Let’s just name them X and Y. X asked me first and Y was very well aware, the following day Y decided to ask me and said X is very aware. To them it’s whoever wins my heart. As if!

I don’t necessarily judge people by what they’ve done in the past, but in X’s case, it’s quite complicated. I applaud the fact that X is God-fearing (X was with a Bible when we first met), not just because of the Bible, but by just listening and observing, you will know. As for Y, I’m not really sure, but for the fact that Y told me I was acting childish because we hugged and I almost slapped Y, Y deserves flogging. Rubbish and Nonsense. I didn’t even waste time to answer Y. Y is about 26, working in Shell , while X is about 26 too, but schooling.

X and Y still call me even though I’ve said no. More so, X’s been inviting me down to Florida for a paid vacation thing. As much as I would like that, I can’t fall into any trap oh. Biko.


There’s someone out there I love with all my heart, well there are many, but there’s this particular person. My sister has told me to profess my love.


Like I would do that. If the person can’t see how much likeness is emitted from my actions and words, then too bad for the both of us. There’s more to my X and Y story, but we’ll leave it at that for now. Have you ever been in this X and Y situation? My sister tells me to hold on to X and let Y go, but me I want Z –not X or Y.




Giagerry said...

im rooting for Z ooo...
lol...Z it is!!!

.. said...

Interesting incident..It's really frustrating though when you long for someone and they are blind to your affection though it's quite obvious..What I would ask you in this situation is.."What do you really want" After you must have examined critically everything and everyone involved..

PS:I get the feeling Gee is your Sister?? LOL..

Giagerry said...

lmao..I am not her sister rose good frend tho!
awww i like the new layout!
i want!!

Al said...

@Rose -you're completely right, I have to answer that question first before I can make decisions. Recent times have made me quite complicated -I don't think I used to be this way.
Let's put it this way, I'm not ready to have any bad experience because I've had, and it wasn't funny.

@Gee -Thanks

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