Wednesday, July 21, 2010

X,Y & Z New Moon


Okay, I actually have a lot to do. Test tomorrow, just got done with two, plus I have to move to the new apartment by next weekend!!!

Goodness me, I will soon disappear.

So, Y is back, and Z is not the person I thought he was. But there are two new additions to the Saga, V & W, lol. Sorry, I don't mean to confuse anyone. W has comma, because I'm afraid I will feel the wrath of a woman. As for V, it's unconditional.

But, W is the sweetest ever, plus I will always be healthy, lol.

Okay, too many lols in this post, but that's it. You can tell I'm rushing. No time to think, but yes, this is the New Moon. Let's see how the story unfolds!

O, an irrelevant aside: My hair is finally growing and now makes more sense.

There is a time and season for everything, this is my hair growth time! Woohoo



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